Penny originally started using her
now-defunct Creative Muvo TX FM to record interviews. After making enquiries we went to
Hi-Fi Corporation in Fourways and got this nifty little
Speed-Link PDR3 Digital Voice Recorder, for R350. The model they sell requires a 9-pin serial port to connect to a PC, so we spent another R230 for a USB to Serial adapter.

The software to connect the recorder to the PC is not bad, and the recording quality is great. There is even a simple lapel microphone, which seems to work pretty well. The instructions are clear and straightforward, and the overall design is pretty good.

The sound is stored in a proprietary ".128" file format, and the software can then convert it to a 128kbps 8kHz .wav file. It would have been great if it could do this as it transfers the data across the serial cable, to save steps in the process. We then use
WavePad to convert it into an MP3 file for storage and archiving.
Update: I have posted a copy of the
install CD version 1.04. It's a .iso image created using
ImgBurn freeware and most CD-writing software can burn it to a CD. The CD isn't much use without the device.
I also have purchased the PDR-3 but cannot get the cr rom to read on my computer. Also how or where do I purchase the USB adaptor in the UK.
I too cannot get the software to work on my PC ... the manufacturers website is not very helpful in this regard ...
any idea if software is available for macs
The software worked fine on Win XP and even works on Vista. I have no idea why yours didn't work.
If it doesn't work in a day or so take it back and get a refund. There are other recorders out there.
Please let me know how long can recording be done in sp and LP
i need the drivers and program
can someone help me
my email is
rio de janeiro
I have purchased seven of the PDR3 recorders from Hifi Corp, however once the software is installed, I cannot get the computers to read the recorder. I run WindowsXP.
The recorder itself is excellent, however, useless to me if I cannot backup or download the audio to my PC.
Imraan Mahomed (KZN - South Africa)
Help, please!
I have lost my softwer and the drivers.
My PDR-3 is not with USB - it is communicating at serial port.
I remember the program was in a floppy.
My email is: fenypont@gmail.com
Peter, Hungary
I also have bought the PDR-3 and it is working very well as a recorder. But I misplaced the software (CD), so I cannot download recorded messages to my PC. Does someone know what it is called and where I could find it in Gauteng, RSA?
I have just purchased the PD3 from HiFi Corp and it came with software, USB and 9 pin pc connector. I managed to download the file onto my laptop (using XP) and all of this for R450 is a real bargain. However, I'mnot sure what format the file is in, and would appreciate if somebody could help in the format conversion-not sure what format to use.
Thank you
You download the "raw" format using the software, then convert it on the PC into .WAV files using the same software.
I recommend using GoldWave to edit the WAV files and convert them into MP3 or whatever format you need. Goldwave can adjust the volume, filter noise, and so on.
I also have purchased the PDR3 Digital Voice Recorder and did not receive the CD with the box. Unfortunately I did not realize that until too late to return. Does anyone have the software I can download or email to me? my address is mpmclean1@gmail.com...
The PDR-3 is a wonderful unit. Comes with CD and excellent, printed Manual. Most questions answered in the manual. Software PC only, once files converted to .wav can be read on a Mac. If CD lost I may kindly assist, please contact me direct. Personally, looking for a second phone call recording attachment (box and jack cable) from someone not using it. pedro@coffeepages.co.za, Cape Town, S Africa.
I don't need mine to communicate with a pc, it does what I want without that - but I have mislaid the instructions and can't work out how to delete the messages!! Until i do this I can't make much use of it :( Does anyone know where I can get another copy of the instructions (in UK)?
I think they may be in a PDF on the software CD.
Hi All
Also have similar problem..
Have PDR3 down loaded the software, bought a Serial to USB converter, but my laptop cant detect the USB driver.I sees it as new hardware tough. Any body with a idea where I can find USB driver ??
Please help !
I don't recall what we did on WinXP: I think there was something to install but I don't remember if windows deteected it and installed, or whether we had to point it to the CD.
In Vista we didn't do anything: Vista recognised the USB device and we just installed the PDR3 software and miraculously it worked.
Try taking the laptop and the USB to Serial converter to the store and ask them to test it for you. If they can't, get a refund and try a better store.
Wow, thats awesome, exactly what I was looking for. I couldn't understand the .128 file format, thanks!
could you please tell me if HiFi Corp still sells this product? I can't find it on their online catalogue...please help!
I had one of my employees use my PDR-3 and he has since left the company and had password protection on one of the files and i need help in how to reset or clear this... please can someone advise me! my email is sanliesun@gmail.com
My Laptop Windows 7 still does not want to recognize the Voicerecorder. Some days it will other not a damn. Something about a driver??? Can someone help, as I am not a IT expert at all.
Some days the Voice recorder are recognized with my Laptop Windows 7 and other day not a damn. Something about the driver not installed, I am no IT professional. Can someone help to fix the problem? kobie@tecseal.co.za
thanks for the download. iso works fine.
I have one of these but have lost the cable. Does anyone know what it is called??
I am willing to give the CD/other cables to anyone that makes contact with me.
I am in JHB
I have lost my cable for this device to connect to PC.
Anyone know what this cable is and where I can find one?
I am happy to give any accessories to anyone btw
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