Disk Idle Optimiser Pro 4.0 from
UnityPro software is not a defrag utility in the conventional sense of the word. It's more like a control panel tweak. It allows you to control some built-in aspects of
Microsoft Windows XP that normally just happen (or not) in the background.

I installed this utility after downloading it over 2 weeks ago. Since then I have not noticed any fundamental change in the way my laptop boots up or works. On the other hand it hasn't degraded either. Either way, the impact on a well-organised system is unlikely to be major. But as tweaks go, it isn't going to slow down your system, and it has the potential of keeping your system better organised by allowing it to "optimise" the files used during boot-up and in the "prefetch" cache.

It's an addition to your existing system, and once the settings have been changed it seems safe to uninstall it, since it only tweaked the Windows registry anyway. If you are using a defrag utility that controls the prefetch file (such as
PerfectDisk), don't bother with this utility since it won't make any difference anyway.

The download page explains what is done, and why. There is nothing to see, and it would be quite tricky to measure what impact it has. As a result, this review gets neither a thumbs up or down. But I have kept a copy on my system, and not uninstalled it. I intend to use it on systems where I have not purchased
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