Following the
NPA's election rally on national TV, the nation is in shock and mourning. How anyone can have
charges against them dropped because other people broke the law is a mystery to most of us.

So now we have crooks getting other crooks off the hook by engaging in criminal activity. The mind boggles. If Zuma is innocent, then Shabir Shaik's trial should be overturned. But enough of that: South Africa's legal community will attempt to recover its
tattered reputation somehow, I'm sure.

Of course, the
political fallout has yet to be determined, and I'd hate to be anyone in governement who has to deal with foreign governments. Oh the shame and humiliation! The rest of us just mourn the passing of democracy, justice and rule of law. It was a fine illusion while it lasted.

Some cynic said "Democracy is where the majority gets what the majority deserves." Sadly, in SA this is true. The majority is going to elect a party of ciminals into office, as they have done in the past, and they will be screwed once again by the likes of Julius "Fork and Knife" Malema. They deserve what they get. Unfortunately the idiots will not be the only ones to suffer.
Non-Prosecuting Authority, no longer the National Prosecuting Authority
Update 9th April: The ANC's
dufus response to
these posters (actually they are
pretty awesome) was to blame "mischievous forces of darkness". Actually that's a pretty good ANC definition of the word "voter". Do they really not have a clue? Electorate = "mischievous forces of darkness".
Update 14 April: It would appear that the
NPA plagiarised their statement from a Hong Kong judge. It sounded too clever to be genuine.
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