Contig is a fast command-line defrag utility, and provides a quick way to defragment a single file or folder. With a simple addition to the registry you can use it to defragment an entire folder, by right-clicking on the folder name and selecting "Contig Defrag Folder". This will open a command prompt and execute the contig command, as shown here.

In order for this to work, you need to
download and install Contig, copying it into the c:\windows\system32 folder. Next, use notepad and paste the following text into a blank notepad file:
REGEDIT4[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\contig]@="Contig Defrag Folder"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\contig\command]@="cmd.exe /k contig.exe \"%L\\*.*\" -v -s"Save this as "contig.reg" and then double-click on the file to add the commands to the windows registry. Select a folder, right-click on it and test the "Contig Defrag Folder" menu entry.
Thanks very much! Just one note. For this to work on my computer with Vista, I had to go to the properties tab for config.exe and set it to "Run as Administrator".
Works for Windows 7, thanks!
Thanks very much ... works for Window XP SP3
Thank you!
Thanks very much!
Works for Windows 7 64 BITS :)
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