I originally thought they were just plain incompetent, but now I think they are
slow, unreliable and incompetent. Which is a polite way of saying that WebHost4Life sucks. Badly.

The graph above shows that they have failed to provide a continuous service on the
Fishwisepro.com site for the past month. Then check out the speed in the right hand column:

Now compare this with my new hosting company:

WebHost4Life is slower. Much slower. When I measured this I also measured the "time to first byte" as
175 seconds, and a total load time of 298 seconds. (The numbers in are in the status bar on this screen shot):

Since 300 seconds is 5 minutes, we are talking about a very slow load time indeed. Most users would have cancelled the page after 10 to 15 seconds, so they would never have seen the page at all. I'm told this was caused by their "migration scripts". The ones that screw up your web site for you.

Maybe I should also add
useless to the list. It certainly describes their help system, and their much-vaunted "migration" process. Incidentally, the "new platform" doesn't support multiple web sites. They proved it to me because they couldn't get it to work, although they wouldn't actually
admit that it couldn't be done. They are under the false impression that it can be done, but when push comes to shove it doesn't work. How sad is that?
Update: We can add "
losers" to the list. According to
www.web-hosting-top.com, WebHost4Life's hosted domains grew for 2007-2009 from 62,076 to 70,669 domains. In 2010 the decline has set in, so that by May 17, 2010 they are down to 60,912 domains, a loss of 16% in just 5 months. It boggles the mind that they could throw away 10,000 customers so fast.