In case you're wondering what happened to the review of PerfectDisk 10 Professional: it's on its way. But I need to check some of the benchmark numbers first. Both PerfectDisk and Windows Disk Defragmenter appear to perform worse on some of the 64-bit Vista benchmarks. This is unexpected, so I am running the 64-bit (fragmented) Vista benchmarks again. Stand by ...
I so want to see the new Shootout. Any idea when you will have it done? (I know it is a heck of a lot of work).
The problem is that the test machine is at my home office, and at the moment I'm not spending enough time there to run the tests properly.
Please stand by. It's as infuriating for me too.
I found a free one I never heard of before. Very bare bones, no reporting. I had to use Puran to see the result. Seems to do a good job but really slow. And doing it again the next day causes it to do the entire 5+ hours all over again. http://www.diydatarecovery.nl/DiskTune.htm
Please see http://www.spywareinfoforum.com/index.php?showtopic=125397 for screen shots. I like the way it left a big space in the faster part of the disk for temp files and new installs. And, it successfully defragged and relocated the MFT without needing a reboot.
Note that there is different (junk) defragger named DiskTune which is no relation.
My PC runs Win XP Pro SP3.
I do want to see what you think of mst Defrag. It is elegant looking. Can't run it yet as I am still evaluating DiskTune.
mst Defrag is a disappointment. Like O&O it monitors disks whether you tell it to or not. I can't use defraggers that monitor as they keep my USB external hard drive awake. It took a few emails for Seagate support to figure out why my Maxtor was running all the time and not doing its inactivity spin-down.
I personally think monitoring is a deplorable feature, especially when the only way to turn it off is to uninstall the defragger.
What's everybody thinking of Iobit SmartDefrag? The last round of tests for it were during it's beta stage, and there has since been numerous enhancements. I'm just interested in hearing if anybody has personally tested it recently or what others opinions might be.
This month I've tried Smart Defrag, Defraggler, DiskTune, Auslogic Disk Defrag, and ended up buying Puran.
I still have all four free ones. Defraggler is the most valuable of them, with the ability to defrag a single file or folder from its file list.
Smart Defrag didn't impress me. Its Deep Optimize is very slow and doesn't do a particularly good job of placing files. I give it a neutral rating.
Just my personal opinion of course, based on extremely limited use.
For me it's PerfectDisk 10 for the infrequent, major clean-ups, and Defraggler for the more frequent touch-ups. The two have been a winning combination and keep my drive tidy without beating it up. While I'm still a J. Kessels fan, My Defrag seems to be going a slightly different direction than I prefer............
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