I came across your story whilst searching for info about a consumers rights to blog their opinions and the implications of defamatory High Court Action.I'm not sure how much of my experience will help in this specific case, but it ocurred to me that the franchisee is behaving like an idiot. First of all, any restaurant owner who sues his customers for complaining deserves to lose his franchise and all his money. Restaurant reputations are won or lost on good service, and any business owner who doesn't listen to his customer complaints is a loser.I will not mention the companies name suffice to say the person who wants to take legal action against me for defamation is a franchisee of a large fast food corporate in South Africa.
I waxed lyrical on hellopeter.com and also sent copies of this to the franchise head offices and to the mall contacts from which the franchise operates.
Some facts
The corporate is one of the largest in South Africa in that industry.I have been in touch (telephonically and electronically) with the Corporate executives - they have apologized for the service I got from the franchise branch and I have kept all emails as a record.
I considered this matter closed until the franchise branch owner (franchisee) sent me a letter via his lawyers demanding I retract my statements which they claim have damaged reputation & business.
They threaten that all costs will be for my account.
They threaten High Court Application against me by next Friday.
My take:
I know I am in the right in this issue.My problem is that I have no idea of what the costs are for a High Court action let alone hiring a lawyer to defend me.
I was even thinking that if this got so far that I would defend myself but my lawyer skills go as far as Boston Legal or LA Law tv show episode. I'm sure I could pull of a few jokes in court but I dont think that would win me anything.
I am not by any means rich. I was thinking of using my bonus (which i get next month) and if things really get bad selling my car.
The "F$%* You" attitude in me tells me not to back down whilst the scared part (I admit its there) tells me to send a two liner to the lawyers retracting my statements.
The similarity in our situations is BIG CORPORATE vs little man.
Some advice from your experience would help
There is a Facebook Support Group for bloggers who get sued in cases like this.
Do companies not realise how potentially damaging a situation like this could be for their brand? As you say, Donn, restaurants in particular need to be careful of monitoring their reputations, which rely heavily on the service provided.
The company in question claims that their customer had “damaged their reputation and business”, but the potential negative press coverage around a High Court case like this would scar their brand for a very long time.
The complaint, whether deemed valid or not, should have been attended to with courtesy and consideration, if the company concerned wants to keep their name clean.
"via his lawyers demanding I retract my statements which they claim have damaged reputation & business."
surely hellopeter complaints would negate any claimed good standing?
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