Aleit Street Park
Our flat looks out over the Aleit Street park (shown by the white lines in the Google Earth image above) onto the restaurant building. Sadly, the park has been allowed to run down by the incompetence and mismanagement of Joburg City Parks and the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) who are supposed to enforce the Public Open Spaces Bylaws. City Parks is supposed to mow the lawn in the park (a basic minimum) and empty the rubbish bins regularly. They are supposed to remove dead trees and maintain the facilities in the park. I guess they couldn't be bothered. The gardener for our block of flats has mowed the lawn on the side of the park closest to the flats, between the fence and the stream. As far as I know, he has done this for as long as the flats have been there, and certainly for the last 18 years. The JMPD has a special "Bylaw Management Unit" (BMU) to enforce the municipal bylaws. They did no such thing, despite the public sign saying "Transgressors will be prosecuted". The vagrants figured that out long before the ratepayers did. The BMU "managed" the bylaws by turning a blind eye and using every trick in the book to not respond to complaints of bylaw violations in the park:- Not being able to "find the park" at the address given;
- Not being able or willing to provide a reference number when you phoned them;
- Arriving hours or even days later;
- Simply not showing up;
- Not taking the names or photographs of the vagrants who violate the bylaws.

Taking Back the Park
Some suburb residents decided to intervene in the park, and an APRA member sent Morgan to mow the lawn every few weeks. It made a huge difference because City Parks hadn't shown up to mow the lawn since the start of the lockdown in March 2020. Morgan was the most energetic and tireless gardener I have ever known. He just seemed unstoppable.Some Renovations
There was cautious optimism in 2020 when we noticed renovations under way at Carvers. A new sign was put up outside, and other improvements were observed. The entire suburb was relieved to see our favourite local restaurant showing signs of life once more, even though there were piles of builders rubble left lying in the park's parking lot. Then the Coronavirus lockdown happened, and the rubbish stayed there. For nearly 4 months. This was early in the lockdown. The rubbish pile became a favourite spot for the vagrants to congregate and sleep. I guess the new owners are unaware of the vagrant problem in our suburb. We tried to remove some litter, such as glass bottles, cardboard boxes, plastic, and empty cement bags, but the bigger stuff such as broken toilets, pieces of concrete, mattresses, and piles of broken bricks, we just couldn't manage. Eventually, after over 3 months, a truck arrived to remove the bulk of the stuff, as the lockdown restrictions were eased. We were still too optimistic and naive to realise they really didn't care about the park or their neighbours in the suburb.Park Cleanup
A few days into the lockdown my wife decided to start cleaning up the park. We needed the exercise as all the gyms were closed, along with most shops, restaurants and pretty much everything else. So, every day we went to the park and spent half an hour to an hour emptying the rubbish bins, and picking up litter. Some of it had been there for years. The vagrants had cleverly stashed stuff in trees, under bushes, along the river bank, and so on. We removed about 8 trolley bins of bottles, cans, electronics, metal junk, ceramics, plastic, syringes, utensils, cooking pots, and so on. Morgan helped us remove all the stinkblaar bushes (an invasive species) along the banks of the stream. He also cut up and removed a tree branch that had fallen across the stream. That took several days of hard work. After 5 months, the park was looking a lot better, and people had started to visit it again.

The Parking Lot
We started becoming annoyed with the builders and other workmen who worked on the Carvers renovations because of the amount of mess they made in the parking lot. Not just building rubble, but ordinary rubbish too. Carvers has its own internal parking lot. It has space for roughly 15 vehicles, and is a tarred surface. It is surrounded by a low wall and an a metal fence above the wall. If they wanted to conceal their builders' rubble from the eyes of the public, their own parking lot would be perfect.
There is also a water leak, either under the parking lot, or from water flowing into the park from Carvers' drains or run-off. The northern end of the parking lot is basically a swamp. On the night of 22 July 2020 one of the Papamani security vehicles got stuck in the mud, and it took them several attempts to get it out. Much revving of the engine didn't help, and eventually it was towed out. I sent this picture to Arnold (one of the owners) so he could report it to Joburg Water and get it fixed. On 26 March 2021 I took this photo of the track marks where another vehicle (presumably a patron) got stuck in the swamp. So either Joburg Water hasn't arrived yet, or they were never called.
The Grand Reopening Rebuff
By October 2020 it was clear that the restaurant was nearly ready to open. I made enquiries from Arnold when their opening day was, so I could let the suburb know. He didn't reply. Weird for someone in the hospitality industry. A day or two later they had a big function with lots of people. It was either the Grand Reopening or a trial run, we will never know. No one from the suburb was invited. Despite the obvious snub, we decided to go the following evening to see what it was like.
The waiters were friendly and professional, and they explained they were running on a minimal menu for now. The sushi bar and the carvery were still being set up, but the pizza oven was working. We sat outside in the garden and enjoyed a very good Quattro Stagioni pizza to share and a glass of wine each. The prices were reasonable and we enthusiastically shared our photos on the suburb's APRA Community WhatsApp Group.The Bright Lights
You may notice all the bright lights around the trees in our photo of the garden area. There was also a spotlight shining out over the Darrenwood Dam, and another shining into the park. One of the neighbours complained they were too bright, and were scaring away the owls and other birdlife. The dam is a nature reserve and heritage site. The one shining in the park is great for security, but it is positioned so badly that it also shines into the windows of 15 out of 21 flats that are over 100m away, plus the gardens of several neighbours.
The Noisy Neighbours
I fully understand that restaurants have functions that involve live music, public address systems, and so on. In November and December they had a "band" playing in the pub every Friday for 4 weeks in a row (13 Nov to 4 Dec 2020). See the yellow circle on the very first picture: it's a 100m diameter according to Google Earth. At 100m away from the source of the noise, with all the doors and windows closed, I could hear every word that the band "sung". All their songs were cover songs, and they started in the late afternoon and carried on until after 10pm at night. They managed to play the songs so badly that they were barely recognisable.

The Helicopters
Just after we had recovered from the noisy pub music, a small group of patrons arrived by helicopter and landed in Stonemill Office Park. The small party then walked from the office park to Carvers through the gate in the fence. They did not have permission to land in the office park, but apparently got permission from the Civil Aviation Authority to fly there. I guess the CAA wasn't aware of how closely they landed to people sitting out in the open, or that they landed within 100 feet of a park or people in the open. CAA rules are they should be no closer than 2000 feet from any obstacle. This picture was taken from the park, looking through the park fence to the nature reserve and office park. I didn't get close enough to read the registration of the helicopter. Why the CAA would permit joy rides over a residential area is not clear to me or anyone else in the suburb. But never fear, they repeated the same stunt in January. ZS-HXV is a Bell Textron 206B helicopter, and is apparently owned by Professional Liquid Waterproofing (Pty) Ltd, of 57 Kalkheuwel St, Broederstroom, Brits, Gauteng. This is according to public records. I have been able to confirm with the manager of Stonemill Office Park that the landings were done without the knowledge or permission of the office park. They do not have permission to return. Hopefully, they will keep their dangerous and noisy aircraft away. We have enough problems with noisy helicopters flying overhead at 1000 feet tracking stolen vehicles.Rowdy Patrons
If noisy helicopters and loud music wasn't enough, some patrons decided to have a VERY LOUD fight at 10pm on Friday 26th February. Lots of yelling and drunken noise. There was also another disturbance the night before. This particular incident managed to upset several neighbours closest to the restaurant. It is notable that while the old restaurant had signs inside their parking lot asking patrons to be considerate of the neighbours, these were removed during the revamp, reflecting the new attitude of the owners to their neighbours. They are tone deaf, if not completely deaf.
Whose Parking Lot Is It Anyway?
Another "stunt" we noticed from Carvers was the way they treat the outside parking lot as their own back garden. It isn't. It's part of the park. So when I noticed their empty rubbish bins lying around in the park I sent a WhatsApp message to their public number 082 572 2611 with the photo asking them if they noticed anything wrong.
"That's our name. Not the town Tulbagh"Seriously? I'm beginning to wonder whether he has ever actually noticed the park at all. When I pointed out the rubbish bins in the photo I got no further reply. It's weird: City Parks can't spell Aleit (The one sign says Alet and the other Alett) and now the pub can't spell Tulbagh. Not even on their website.
For reasons known only to the City Power "loadshedding" timetable, Aldara Park is known as ANDARA park. The word "Aldara" is made from the combination of Aleit, Danie and Rachel, which are street names in the suburb, named after the people who created the suburb.
Part 2 to follow
I have left out the story of the jumping castle, the WhatsApp groups, and many other anecdotes. In a future episode I will tell of Werner's threats of a lawyer's letter (it must be still in the mail), some visits by JMPD and Linden SAPS, some special wine bottles, and of course more rubbish dumped in the parking lot. And they have a special menu in latin with prices in US$.