ArialTo install "Feature on Demand" font packages, select the Start button, and then select "Settings" > "Apps" > "Apps & features" > "Add an optional feature" and choose from various supplemental fonts. A reboot may be required. Here is the list:
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Arial Italic
Arial Black
Arial Black Italic
Calibri Bold
Calibri Bold Italic
Calibri Italic
Calibri Light
Calibri Light Italic
Cambria Bold
Cambria Bold Italic
Cambria Italic
Candara Bold
Candara Bold Italic
Candara Italic
Candara Light
Candara Light Italic
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS Bold
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic
Comic Sans MS Italic
Consolas Bold
Consolas Bold Italic
Consolas Italic
Constantia Bold
Constantia Bold Italic
Constantia Italic
Corbel Bold
Corbel Bold Italic
Corbel Italic
Corbel Light
Corbel Light Italic
Courier New
Courier New Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Courier New Italic
Ebrima Bold
Franklin Gothic Medium
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Gadugi Bold
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Georgia Italic
HoloLens MDL2 Assets (icons)
Ink Free
Javanese Text
Leelawadee UI
Leelawadee UI Bold
Leelawadee UI Semilight
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Malgun Gothic
Malgun Gothic Bold
Malgun Gothic Semilight
Marlett (icons)
Microsoft Himalaya
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei Light
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei Bold
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei UI
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
Microsoft Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold
Microsoft New Tai Lue
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold
Microsoft PhagsPa
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold
Microsoft Sans Serif
Microsoft Tai Le
Microsoft Tai Le Bold
Microsoft YaHei
Microsoft YaHei Bold
Microsoft YaHei Light
Microsoft YaHei UI
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold
Microsoft YaHei UI Light
Microsoft Yi Baiti
Mongolian Baiti
MS Gothic
MS PGothic
MS UI Gothic
MV Boli
Myanmar Text
Myanmar Text Bold
Nirmala UI
Nirmala UI Bold
Nirmala UI Semilight
Palatino Linotype
Palatino Linotype Bold
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
Palatino Linotype Italic
Segoe MDL2 Assets (icons)
Segoe Print
Segoe Print Bold
Segoe Script
Segoe Script Bold
Segoe UI
Segoe UI Black
Segoe UI Black Italic
Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Italic
Segoe UI Light
Segoe UI Light Italic
Segoe UI Semibold
Segoe UI Semibold Italic
Segoe UI Semilight
Segoe UI Semilight Italic
Segoe UI Emoji
Segoe UI Historic (hieroglyphics, etc)
Segoe UI Symbol
Sitka Small
Sitka Small Italic
Sitka Small Bold
Sitka Small Bold Italic
Sitka Text
Sitka Text Italic
Sitka Text Bold
Sitka Text Bold Italic
Sitka Subheading
Sitka Subheading Italic
Sitka Subheading Bold
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic
Sitka Heading
Sitka Heading Italic
Sitka Heading Bold
Sitka Heading Bold Italic
Sitka Display
Sitka Display Italic
Sitka Display Bold
Sitka Display Bold Italic
Sitka Banner
Sitka Banner Italic
Sitka Banner Bold
Sitka Banner Bold Italic
Tahoma Bold
Times New Roman
Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic
Verdana Bold
Verdana Bold Italic
Verdana Italic
Webdings (icons)
Wingdings (icons)
Wingdings 2 (icons)
Wingdings 3 (icons)
Yu Gothic Light
Yu Gothic Regular
Yu Gothic Medium
Yu Gothic Bold
Yu Gothic UI Light
Yu Gothic UI Semilight
Yu Gothic UI Regular
Yu Gothic UI Semibold
Yu Gothic UI Bold
Arabic Script (14 fonts)You may have noticed a whole lot more fonts. Indeed there are, if Microsoft 365 (Office) has been preinstalled, as it was in the standard Windows 10 20H2 installation ISO file for Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro. I have shown the ones that are NOT also found in Office 2007 in bold. There are 219 office fonts:
Bangla Script (4 fonts)
Canadian Aboriginal Syllablics (1 font)
Cherokee (1 font)
Chinese (Simplified) (6 fonts)
Chinese (Traditional) (4 fonts)
Devangari (15 fonts)
Ethiopic (1 font)
Gujarati (2 fonts)
Hebrew (12 fonts)
Japanese (25 fonts)
Kannada (2 fonts)
Khumer (4 fonts)
Korean (8 fonts)
Lao (3 fonts)
Malayalam (2 fonts)
Odia (2 fonts)
Pan-European (88 fonts, including Arial Nova, Georgia Pro, Gill Sans Nova, Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro, Rockwell Nova, and Verdana Pro families)
Sinhala (2 fonts)
Syriac (1 font)
Tamil (4 fonts)
Telugu (4 fonts)
Thai (54 fonts)
Agency FBI have left out some of the system-type fonts that consist of icons and symbols used internally by programs such as Outlook or OneNote. There are also "cloud fonts" which you can download. To get the cloud fonts, your device needs to be online and connected to the Internet. In apps running on Windows (such as Word), go to "File" > "Account", select "Manage Settings" under "Account Privacy", and turn on "Optional connected experiences". Clearing the check box turns off cloud fonts and other online services from Microsoft. This is helpful to de-clutter your font menu.
Agency FB Bold
Arial Narrow
Arial Narrow Bold
Arial Narrow Bold Italic
Arial Narrow Italic
Arial Rounded MT Bold
Baskerville Old Face
Bauhaus 93
Bell MT
Bell MT Bold
Bell MT Italic
Berlin Sans FB
Berlin Sans FB Bold
Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold
Bernard MT Condensed
Blackadder ITC
Bodoni MT
Bodoni MT Black
Bodoni MT Black Italic
Bodoni MT Bold
Bodoni MT Bold Italic
Bodoni MT Condensed
Bodoni MT Condensed Bold
Bodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic
Bodoni MT Condensed Italic
Bodoni MT Italic
Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Book Antiqua
Book Antiqua Bold
Book Antiqua Bold Italic
Book Antiqua Italic
Bookman Old Style
Bookman Old Style Bold
Bookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookman Old Style Italic
Bookshelf Symbol 7
Bradley Hand ITC
Britannic Bold
Brush Script MT Italic
Calibri Bold
Calibri Bold Italic
Calibri Italic
Calibri Light
Calibri Light Italic
Californian FB
Californian FB Bold
Californian FB Italic
Calisto MT
Calisto MT Bold
Calisto MT Bold Italic
Calisto MT Italic
Cambria Bold
Cambria Bold Italic
Cambria Italic
Candara Bold
Candara Bold Italic
Candara Italic
Century Gothic
Century Gothic Bold
Century Gothic Bold Italic
Century Gothic Italic
Century Schoolbook
Century Schoolbook Bold
Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
Century Schoolbook Italic
Colonna MT
Consolas Bold
Consolas Bold Italic
Consolas Italic
Constantia Bold
Constantia Bold Italic
Constantia Italic
Cooper Black
Copperplate Gothic Bold
Copperplate Gothic Light
Corbel Bold
Corbel Bold Italic
Corbel Italic
Curlz MT
Dubai Bold
Dubai Light
Dubai Medium
Dubai Regular
Edwardian Script ITC
Elephant Italic
Engravers MT
Eras Bold ITC
Eras Demi ITC
Eras Light ITC
Eras Medium ITC
Felix Titling
Footlight MT
Franklin Gothic Book
Franklin Gothic Book Italic
Franklin Gothic Demi
Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
Franklin Gothic Demi Italic
Franklin Gothic Heavy
Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
Freestyle Script
French Script MT
Gadugi Bold
Garamond Bold
Garamond Italic
Gill Sans MT
Gill Sans MT Bold
Gill Sans MT Bold Italic
Gill Sans MT Condensed
Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold
Gill Sans MT Italic
Gill Sans Ultra Bold
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Goudy Old Style
Goudy Old Style Bold
Goudy Old Style Italic
Goudy Stout
Harlow Solid Italic
High Tower Text
High Tower Text Italic
Imprint MT Shadow
Informal Roman
Juice ITC
Kristen ITC
Kunstler Script
Leelawadee Bold
Lucida Bright
Lucida Bright Demibold
Lucida Bright Demibold Italic
Lucida Bright Italic
Lucida Calligraphy Italic
Lucida Fax Demibold
Lucida Fax Demibold Italic
Lucida Fax Italic
Lucida Fax Regular
Lucida Handwriting Italic
Lucida Sans Demibold Italic
Lucida Sans Demibold Roman
Lucida Sans Italic
Lucida Sans Regular
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold
Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique
Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique
Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular
Magneto Bold
Maiandra GD
Matura MT Script Capitals
Microsoft Uighur
Microsoft Uighur Bold
Modern No. 20
Monotype Corsiva
MT Extra (symbols)
Niagara Engraved
Niagara Solid
Nirmala UI
Nirmala UI Bold
Nirmala UI Semilight
OCR A Extended
Old English Text MT
Palace Script MT
Perpetua Bold
Perpetua Bold Italic
Perpetua Italic
Perpetua Titling MT Bold
Perpetua Titling MT Light
Poor Richard
Rage Italic
Rockwell Bold
Rockwell Bold Italic
Rockwell Condensed
Rockwell Condensed Bold
Rockwell Extra Bold
Rockwell Italic
Script MT Bold
Segoe UI
Segoe UI Bold
Segoe UI Bold Italic
Segoe UI Italic
Segoe UI Semilight
Showcard Gothic
Snap ITC
Tempus Sans ITC
Tw Cen MT
Tw Cen MT Bold
Tw Cen MT Bold Italic
Tw Cen MT Condensed
Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold
Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold
Tw Cen MT Italic
Viner Hand ITC
Vivaldi Italic
Vladimir Script
Wide Latin

Arial NovaThese font listings were compiled with the help of Typograf, a very useful font management program. You can use it to "Unload" fonts as well as Uninstall them. There are a lot of fonts that are clearly intended for specific languages that I have unloaded. Typograf shows the fonts in filename order by default, which explains why some of the font images appear to be in a different order to the font list.
Arial Nova Bold
Arial Nova Bold Italic
Arial Nova Cond
Arial Nova Cond Bold
Arial Nova Cond Bold Italic
Arial Nova Cond Italic
Arial Nova Cond Light
Arial Nova Cond Light Italic
Arial Nova Italic
Arial Nova Light
Arial Nova Light Italic
Convection Bold
Convection Condensed
Convection Extra Bold
Convection Italic
Convection Medium
Georgia Pro
Georgia Pro Black
Georgia Pro Black Italic
Georgia Pro Bold
Georgia Pro Bold Italic
Georgia Pro Cond
Georgia Pro Cond Black
Georgia Pro Cond Black Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Bold
Georgia Pro Cond Bold Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Light
Georgia Pro Cond Light Italic
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold Italic
Georgia Pro Italic
Georgia Pro Light
Georgia Pro Light Italic
Georgia Pro Semibold
Georgia Pro Semibold Italic
Gill Sans Nova
Gill Sans Nova Bold
Gill Sans Nova Bold Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt Italic
Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra Bold
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd Italic
Gill Sans Nova Italic
Gill Sans Nova Light
Gill Sans Nova Light Italic
Gill Sans Nova Ultra Bold
Ink Draft
Ink Journal
Nina Bold
Nina Bold Italic
Nina Italic
Rockwell Nova
Rockwell Nova Bold
Rockwell Nova Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond Italic
Rockwell Nova Cond Light
Rockwell Nova Cond Light Italic
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold Italic
Rockwell Nova Italic
Rockwell Nova Light
Rockwell Nova Light Italic
Verdana Pro
Verdana Pro Black
Verdana Pro Black Italic
Verdana Pro Bold
Verdana Pro Bold Italic
Verdana Pro Cond
Verdana Pro Cond Black
Verdana Pro Cond Black Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Bold
Verdana Pro Cond Bold Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Light
Verdana Pro Cond Light Italic
Verdana Pro Cond Semibold
Verdana Pro Cond Semibold Italic
Verdana Pro Italic
Verdana Pro Light
Verdana Pro Light Italic
Verdana Pro Semibold
Verdana Pro Semibold Italic

Update Monday 1 Feb 2021: I have found this useful article about deleting fonts. As a result, I created the following registry file to remove the "foreign" fonts that I don't use.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] "Dubai Bold (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Light (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Medium (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Regular (TrueType)"=- "Ebrima (TrueType)"=- "Ebrima Bold (TrueType)"=- "Gadugi (TrueType)"=- "Gadugi Bold (TrueType)"=- "Javanese Text (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI Semilight (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic Bold (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic SemiLight (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Himalaya (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei & Microsoft JhengHei UI (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei Bold & Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei Light & Microsoft JhengHei UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft New Tai Lue (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft PhagsPa (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft PhagsPa Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Tai Le (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Tai Le Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei & Microsoft YaHei UI (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei Bold & Microsoft YaHei UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei Light & Microsoft YaHei UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Yi Baiti (TrueType)"=- "MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB (TrueType)"=- "Mongolian Baiti (TrueType)"=- "MS Gothic & MS UI Gothic & MS PGothic (TrueType)"=- "MV Boli (TrueType)"=- "Myanmar Text (TrueType)"=- "Myanmar Text Bold (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI Semilight (TrueType)"=- "SimSun & NSimSun (TrueType)"=- "SimSun-ExtB (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Bold & Yu Gothic UI Semibold & Yu Gothic UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Light & Yu Gothic UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Medium & Yu Gothic UI Regular (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Regular & Yu Gothic UI Semilight (TrueType)"=- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts] "Dubai Bold (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Light (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Medium (TrueType)"=- "Dubai Regular (TrueType)"=- "Ebrima (TrueType)"=- "Ebrima Bold (TrueType)"=- "Gadugi (TrueType)"=- "Gadugi Bold (TrueType)"=- "Javanese Text (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Leelawadee UI Semilight (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic Bold (TrueType)"=- "Malgun Gothic SemiLight (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Himalaya (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei & Microsoft JhengHei UI (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei Bold & Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft JhengHei Light & Microsoft JhengHei UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft New Tai Lue (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft PhagsPa (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft PhagsPa Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Tai Le (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Tai Le Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei & Microsoft YaHei UI (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei Bold & Microsoft YaHei UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft YaHei Light & Microsoft YaHei UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Microsoft Yi Baiti (TrueType)"=- "MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB (TrueType)"=- "Mongolian Baiti (TrueType)"=- "MS Gothic & MS UI Gothic & MS PGothic (TrueType)"=- "MV Boli (TrueType)"=- "Myanmar Text (TrueType)"=- "Myanmar Text Bold (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Nirmala UI Semilight (TrueType)"=- "SimSun & NSimSun (TrueType)"=- "SimSun-ExtB (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Bold & Yu Gothic UI Semibold & Yu Gothic UI Bold (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Light & Yu Gothic UI Light (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Medium & Yu Gothic UI Regular (TrueType)"=- "Yu Gothic Regular & Yu Gothic UI Semilight (TrueType)"=-Copy and paste these registry commands into a text file and save it with a .reg extension. Run it and reboot the PC. All the fonts listed here will no longer show up in your font menus. The second half of this file is for 64-bit systems.