Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Great Defrag Shootout XXI: WinContig 0.75

WinContig gets its name from the word "contiguous", not from Mark Russinovich's program Contig. When I first saw the name I thought it was a program similar to Power Defragmenter, but it turns out to be something completely different. It's freeware, developed by Marco D'Amato, with 11 language options, including English.
The basic idea is that you set up one or more file/directory groups, and then save this as a "profile". You can then load and defrag the profile either from the command line or interactively. I set up a profile with some of my most difficult files (see picture) and WinContig failed to detect that some of them were badly fragmented. Granted, this is only version 0.75, and when presented with smaller, less troublesome files it worked well.
There is no boot time defragmentation, so it isn't in the same league as PerfectDisk, but the ability to select specific files and defrag them either by means of a shortcut or batch file, makes this a nifty utility that may meet the needs of some. The engineering needs a bit more work, though.

The Great Defrag Shootout: Part I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII | XXIV | XXV | XXVI | XXVII | XXVIII | XXIX| winner | all | why

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