Friday, August 03, 2007

AccessOpener 1.20 now supports Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 has been available for some time, but I only recently downloaded a trial version to experiment with. As a result I can now announce version 1.20 of AccessOpener, the utility that allows you to open an Access file with the same version of Access as it was originally created, assuming you have it installed on your PC.
The biggest problem with getting the new version to work was Access 2007's insistence that it is the only Access program on the PC, which wasn't true. I kept getting the screen shown below:
It took several attempts to eventually figure out why Access 2007 was doing this, and the new version of AccessOpener seems to work correctly with Access 2007. I have not been able to test it with Access 2003 or Access 2000, but it still works properly with Access 2002 and Access 97 on Windows XP. I suspect there will be trouble with Windows Vista, but haven't been able to confirm this yet.
I have also improved the "train" function, which should make setup a bit more simple. The installation program is also a bit more intuitive. Please report any bugs here or write to me directly.

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