Thursday, August 11, 2011

British Intelligence and Morality on Display

Don't you just love this public displays of British "civilisation" and "culture"? I doubt if parliament will fix this problem either. They are too busy sucking up to the bankers and media owners. Pictures from the BBC web site: UK riots: Before-and-after images of the devastation. Of course when the bankers gouge the economy of millions there isn't the same kind of outrage by the politicians. These riots are political, but the politicians don't want to face up to their responsibility: they created the conditions of hopelessness and defeat in the first place.


  1. And what about the other side of the coin? The side of this British morality and intelligence you are so quick to deprecate that raised £22,000 in donations in just a few days for the poor lad in the video. The side that got small and national companies donating goods (and free private dental treatment) to make up for what he lost purely thanks to the massive popularity of the facebook group set up by "Let's do something nice for Ashraf Haziq"? What about the thousands of people who turned up the days after the riots to clean up the mess. You shouldn't judge a population of 60 million by the actions of the few, especially when the rest of that population was so vehemently and angrily against what that few were doing.

    99% of Britain think the rioters are scum. And they're not political, they're just opportunist scumbags who jumped on the back of a SLIGHTLY more legitimate disturbance because they saw people seemingly getting away with it and thought they could too. Don't fall for all the over-analytical garbage the news channels/sites filled their space up with.

    And as for the UK politicians sucking up to media owners, dunno where you get that from, you couldn't be more wrong at the moment.

  2. @JDPower: Thanks for the comment. I think you have made some good points.

    > You shouldn't judge a population
    > of 60 million by the actions of
    > the few

    Be sure to remind the British tabloids about their predictions of rioting during the FIFA World Cup in South Africa.

    > And as for the UK politicians
    > sucking up to media owners,
    > dunno where you get that from

    Evidence in the phone hacking inquiry, that's where. The politicians sucked up to the media and the bankers all the way through the financial crisis and did nothing about the mega bonuses paid to bankers, apart from some public outbursts. But the money was still paid and the taxpayer is still footing the bill.

  3. See this take on the riots by John Pilger:


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