Monday, November 03, 2008

Vista Disables Help and SendKeys

I have been having fun with my new laptop and Windows Vista. Actually it doesn't suck too badly, except that the HP LaserJet 1020 support in Vista is badly broken, but I have written about it before. HP lost out on a laptop sale because of this problem, and will probably lose out on our next printer purchase as well.
Today's WOW revelation (remember "The WOW Starts Now" slogan?) is that the trusted VB "Sendkeys" function has been disabled in Vista, breaking a gazillion VB6 programs, as well as some key (ahem) parts of Miami/Mustang. Fortunately I found a library written by Karl E Peterson that required only minor tweaking to get it to work in Access 97.
In the process I discovered that the Access97 help function doesn't work in Vista until you install a help file program. That in turn required me to validate my copy of Windows again, which doesn't work properly in Firefox, so I had to go to the URL using IE7. What a mission!
The dreaded UAC (User Annoyance Control) is a little more manageable if you use the Norton UAC program from Norton Labs.
Update: Any Access97 developer who needs SendKeys and who does not have the time and/or energy to modify Karl Peterson's code, can email me for a modified copy: vmusic at spamcop dot net.

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