Monday, November 05, 2007

Enterprise Architecture gets Agile and goes Open Source

Software development in large enterprises is a tricky business. Organisations change, needs change, and big projects suffer feature creep. In response to this a methodology known as "agile" development was born. Now there is a wiki site for people (like my brother, Charles Edwards) who work in or are interested in this kind of thing. Check out The main aim of the site is to build up an Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Process for Agile Enterprise Architecture.

Enterprise Architecture (CEO, CIO (enterprise or holisitc view)) = the management and definition of the Architecture of the Enterprise (set of
organisations) includes everything from the Business Strategy, to the Business Operation Architecture (static and dynamic) for the purposes of optimizing the enterprise; the Information systems (made up of Applications, Services and Data) and the Technology and Infrastructure that this runs on.
EA also includes aspects such as Security, Data, People and Performance. The primary purpose of creating an enterprise architecture is to ensure that business strategy and IT investments are aligned.
Enterprise architecture models allow traceability from the business strategy down to the underlying technology, in order to do impact analysis and have the ability to react to changes quickly, govern the Architecture and guide outsourcing. To contain the Knowledge and the memory of the Enterprise (Architecture) in a single point of truth.

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