Friday, December 09, 2005

World Without Waste: Manila

Achieving 'zero waste', or coming even close to it, is an ambitious concept that attempts to reduce garbage and increase recycling rates whilst at the same time, encourage societies to adopt more ecologically sustainable practices which produce less waste to begin with.

Part 2: Manila
In many countries, incineration - burning everything down to ashes, is how a lot of waste is still dealt with.
It's dirty and a serious health risk but profitable for waste companies will little conscience.
So which country first took the brave step of banning incineration?
The answer might surprise you: The Philippines. Manila's record on waste dumping and landfill is not good - with tens of thousands of people living in garbage-ridden slums on the edges of the big cities.
But here, community power is growing and grassroots organisations have banded together with local politicians to go beyond the incineration ban and are now fighting for whole-scale environmental reform of waste management policy.

Get MP3 download at BBC Documentary Archive | World Without Waste: Manila | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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