Thursday, December 15, 2005

Africa@home tackles Malaria

"AFRICA@home is a website for volunteer computing projects which allow your computer to contribute to African humanitarian causes.
There is a huge potential for volunteer computing to help solve pressing health and environmental problems facing the developing world.
AFRICA@home addresses these problems by providing a common framework for volunteer computing projects that focus on African needs.
An important goal of AFRICA@home is to involve African students and African universities in the development and running of these volunteer computing projects.
The first application being developed for AFRICA@home is called This application models the way malaria spreads in Africa and the potential impact that new anti-malarial drugs may have on the region."

Visit Africa@home and read more about their Malaria project. NB: the application is currently being alpha-tested and should become publicly available in January 2006. In the meantime I'm trying out

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